Dear Mom,

Your love, care and kindness for me taught me how to love and respect myself and others. You showed me that I was cool enough without Lunchables, Power Rangers or black under eye liner. You shaped me into a person of character and integrity and modeled how to find joy and peace in rough times. You should imagine Celine Dion playing here because I’m everything I am because you loved me.

To Ember,

My puzzler, stunter, my little light.  You are radiance and joy. You are affectionate and expressive, creative and smart. You’re fun and I love hanging out with you.This world doesn’t deserve you yet, but we’re working on it. I hope you’ll forgive me when I don’t buy you Lunchables, let you watch Power Rangers or wear thick, goopy eyeliner when it seems like you need those things to be cool. You’re cool enough already.  You don’t need any help. Thank you for helping me grow into a better person. Thank you for teaching me to appreciate, discover and revel in our world. And thank you for letting me sleep in til 9.

Photos by Mickayla Jackson of Ferret and Dove Photography.